The established Tasmanian Red Meat Industry Steering Committee (TRMISC) has been tasked with delivering the Tasmanian Red Meat Industry Strategic Plan and lead a range of initiatives throughout the supply chain for the red meat industries. The Strategic Plan is building on the 2015 Tasmanian Red Meat Industry 2015 Strategic Plan and 2021 Interim Plan and has been developed through surveys, face to face interviews and desk top analysis and reviews.
The Plan is setting achievable and realistic timelines to help reach Tasmanian Government’s agricultural production target of $10 billion by 2050 as the red meat industry will play a pivotal role in attain this target.
Red Meat Industry Development
As part of the Red Meat Industry Development funding, TasFarmers have been developing an industry led study and roadmap to ascertain the most viable process for adoption. The study is in two parts, one which reviews and reports on learings from Victoria (who have already implemented EiD’s) and Western Australia to demonstrate efficiency and help understand how implementation can be beneficial. Case studies of Tasmanian sheep producers who have trialled EiD’s were also included.
The second part is the Roadmap for implementation which is nearing the final stage for recommendations to Tasmanian Government and has been built on industry input through including producers, processors, saleyard agents and transporters attending workshops, interviews and meetings.
Whilst there has been much focus across Australia on national harmonization timelines, the study provides guidance on cost analsyis, RFiD technology and infrastructure required, implementation support including database rigour and capabilities and appropriate communication materials.
Cheryl is a Dairy Producer from Ringarooma. Industry positions include TasHerd Pty Ltd Director, past DairyTas Chairman.
Farmer Rep on various Dairy Australia – Dairy Moving forward Community of Interest and Steering Groups including Farm business management, Animal Welfare and NRM. Also undertaken AICD Course and Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program. Community Involvement includes Chairman Dorset Suicide Prevention Network that aims to raise community awareness around the factors contributing to suicide and increase knowledge to improve the mental health and wellbeing of Dorset residents.
Cheryl has recently been recognised as the Dorset Citizen of the Year for this role that is key to bringing service providers and community together to provide assistance and resources to people at risk and their families. Cheryl is also on the Farmfeast committee, an annual event that brings the farming community together to socialise and connect with mental health providers. Over many years Chery has been involved in several Ringarooma Community Groups, as well as rural health and education advocacy.
Brett is an Angus cattle producer in the Derwent Valley and has been a Director on the TFGA Board. He was a member of the TFGA Meat Council for 14 years that included a 3-year term as chairman. He completed 2 terms as a Director of Cattle Council of Australia (CCA) and was the chair of their Finance Audit and Risk Committee for 3 years. In addition, he was a member of the CCA Research, Development, Adoption & Sustainability Committee for 6 years and Chair for 2 years.
Brett has been a Trustee of the Tasmanian Beef Industry Trust since
2008. He was also the inaugural Chairman of the Tasmanian Red Meat
Industry Council that developed the Tasmanian Red Meat Industry
Strategic Plan.
Brett graduated from the Australian Rural leadership
Program in 2012. He undertook an MBA (Agricultural Innovation) with the
University of Tasmania and graduated in 2015. Brett completed the
Australian Institute of Company Directors, Company Directors Course in
He is currently Chair of the Cattle Disease Contingency Fund and is a Director of Farmers for Climate Action.
Through irrigation developments and pasture renovation, John and his family have transformed their farming practices in the last ten years, from being merino producers, to prime lamb, potato and poppy growers. They currently have a 12,000 head composite ewe flock and finish 10,000 lambs across two properties in Bridport and Bothwell Tasmania. The lambs are predominantly sold to the domestic market. Cattle is traded or agisted on a seasonal basis.
John is actively involved in the two irrigation schemes in the
Bothwell District, and is on the committee to try and establish a new
irrigation scheme for the southern midlands, which could be underpinned
by the red meat sector, servicing potentially 20,000 ha.
John recently completed the I lead course (a Tas leaders program) sponsored by the TFGA.
John’s wife Annie is a nurse manager at Calvary in Hobart and has 4 young children.
After completing a double degree in secondary education and science at the University of Sydney, Clare taught in New South Wales for three years before returning to Tasmania where she worked as a part time teacher and farmer. Now she is the livestock manager on her family run farm, Logan, with her brother Angus and parents producing prime lambs from their 9,600 ewes as a self-replacing composite flock. They produce a grass-fed lamb with clover and brassicas grown under pivot irrigation.
On returning to the farm, she felt under-skilled to manage the livestock, grass, water, climate and soils, therefore, signed up to a number of courses to gain that knowledge. The next step in her career is to manage the money and strategic approach of the business to ensure that it is sustainable into the future by completing an online business course. She received a Nuffield Farm Scholarship in 2019 where she travelled to 16 countries looking into methods to attract youth into a career in agriculture and now shares her insights with industry.