22 June 2022
TFGA Dairy Council Discussion Forum
Open invitation to all dairy farmers to meet with the TFGA Dairy Council and TFGA staff members to discuss current and emerging issues impacting your farming operation.
Attendees will be provided with a brief introduction from the Dairy Councillors about the advocacy work currently undertaken, however the main purpose of the session is to dedicate time for an open discussion. Potential topics may include workforce shortages, recent storm implications or animal welfare/social licence concerns.
The aim of the forum is to provide an update on current issues and create a firm advocacy foundation for the future by listening to your concerns and challenges.
In attendance: Dairy Council, TFGA President Ian Sauer, Policy Advisor Brittany van Dijk & Membership Officer Kellie Morris.
To RSVP your attending please contact Kellie Morris on 0477 660 220 or via email on kellie.morris@tfga.com.au