23 May 2023
Are you small-scale farmer in Tasmania, take part in this survey!
Time to complete - approx 15 mins.
Complete this survey if you are a small-medium scale farmer in Tasmania, who is farming (or soon to farm) for the local community. Any answers should be given using the information that applies for the financial year 2021/2022. All data collected is anonymous and is held for the use of Sprout Tasmania.
In keeping with our ethos this de-identified information is likely to be shared with government and stakeholders in the food and agricultural sectors, who are keen to understand how better to help and support you!!
If you are yourself a small-scale producer, please use this link to complete the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sproutsurvey2023 It will take about 15 minutes. And as an incentive you may win 1 of 3 prizes on offer for survey participants – a $100 voucher ?.
If you are not a producer, but you know people who are, please share the link across your networks. As I mentioned we have ambitious targets for numbers of participants and your help to spread the word will be invaluable. Thank you.
Direct people to the Sprout Tasmania website where they can find a link for the survey too. We have all the bases covered! www.sprout.org.au
Survey closes at 11.59pm AEST on Tuesday 30th May.
If you are unsure about anything, please contact Jen Robinson: jennifer@sprout.org.au - 0419519296.
As a thank you, we are offering three $100 gift cards to those who complete the survey. To go in the draw simply complete your email at the end of the survey. This email answer is separated from the survey, so we cannot connect this with your answers.