22 August 2022
The TFGA are seeking expressions of interest to fill three vacancies on the Tasmanian Red Meat Industry Steering Committee (TRMISC).
This is an opportunity for a passionate red meat industry participant to make valuable contributions to the future of the red meat industry in Tasmania.
The steering committee was created in June 2020 to act as an advisory group to the Red Meat Industry Development Officer Project. The Red Meat Industry Development Officer (RMIDO) helps set and implement actions from the Tasmanian Red Meat Industry Strategic Plan and lead a range of initiatives throughout the supply chain for the red meat industries.
The vacancy is open to anyone working within the Tasmanian red meat industry but those with experience as a producer, agent or transporter are highly encouraged to apply.
Please see the Position Description and TRMISC Terms of Reference for more information.
Alternatively, you can contact the IDO at redmeatIDO@tfga.com.au
Application close 5pm 6th September 2022.