NFF joins trade talks in India

05 July 2023

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has joined an Australian agricultural delegation in India this week to progress trade negotiations with the one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

NFF CEO Tony Mahar joins Minister for Agriculture Murray Watt on his Government-industry visit to secure comprehensive market access for agricultural goods in the ongoing negotiations towards the Australia-India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA).

“It’s critically important industry and government work in partnership on market access for all products. It’s great to be able to work closely with Minister Watt on trade - there are vast opportunities here and we must continue to work towards mutually beneficial outcomes,” Mr Mahar said.

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“India provides a huge market opportunity for Australian agricultural exports. The population, proximity and growing purchasing power of India’s consumers is an opportunity for Australian farmers to increase their profitability through diversifying and expanding their export markets over time.

“A comprehensive FTA agreement would be a huge win-win for both sides - Australian agriculture has the appetite and ability to support India’s food security and production aspirations.

“Australia can help India meet any domestic production gaps and a deal provides scope for mutual benefit through sharing research and development work, and will even have flow on benefit other industries like tourism and education.”


While the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) signed last year signalled welcome progress towards expanding free trade between our countries, the NFF seeks new and improved market access across Australia’s whole range of agricultural products in the new agreement.

“We’ve started sowing a good crop in Australia’s agricultural trade relationship with India, but we want to pick up wins for other commodities like wheat and chickpeas.”

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