27 September 2023
A new report showcasing 100 technologies across four key agricultural industries in Tasmania is now available to producers. The Tasmanian Agriculture Technology Guide has been developed by the TAS Farm Innovation Hub and Beanstalk AgTech with funding from AgriFutures Australia.
The project explored the existing and emerging tech solutions to key challenges facing Tasmanian farmers in the livestock, dairy, fruit and vegetable industries. Linley Houwen from Beanstalk AgTech said the report was a culmination of extensive research and many conversations with producers across Tasmania.
“We wanted to gain a good understanding of some of the biggest challenges facing producers across Tasmania and the role technology could plan in addressing these,” Ms Houwen said.
“We had conversations with more than 30 producers and tech providers across four industries including livestock, dairy, vegetables and fruit, reviewed 11 challenges and assessed more than 200 ag tech companies for solutions to those challenges.
“We now have an accessible resource that empowers farmers to explore the world of agricultural technology, with an overview of some key features, benefits and considerations associated with each technology to help in the decision-making process.
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“While the report doesn’t cover all the available solutions on the market, it does provide a good starting point for producers keen to explore the role technology can play in their businesses.”
The report considers industry-wide challenges including data access issues, time spent managing irrigation and the need for more connectivity across farms. In the vegetable industry, the key challenges identified were reducing input usage to improve margins and optimising drainage, while in the dairy industry, the focus was managing the cost of cow feed and increasing labour efficiency.
In livestock, producers identified challenges associated with using animal data to drive better decisions and support intensive grazing methods. In the fruit industry, improving harvest record keeping and managing risks in the growing environment were front and centre.
The report investigated technology solutions for those challenges, including a deep dive into the opportunities and case studies outlining grower experience in the adaption and adoption of ag tech solutions.
TAS Farm Innovation Hub Director Sandra Knowles said the report would be a useful resource for Tasmania’s agricultural sector. “The Tasmanian Government has set an ambitious strategy to reach $10b in farm gate value by 2050.
To reach this goal, Tasmanian production will need to grow at more than double the rate experienced over the past 20 years,” Ms Knowles said. “Innovation and research are key levers in achieving this goal and providing the productivity gains needed for a sustainable and future-proofed Tasmanian agricultural industry.
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“Over the years, Tasmanian farmers have exhibited remarkable resilience and adaptability, overcoming challenges and consistently producing high-quality agricultural products that are valued both locally and internationally. “The last few years in particular have seen challenges from rising input costs, labour shortages and changes in climate putting increasing pressure on farmers.
"The great thing about this report is that it focuses on the real challenges facing our sector now and gives producers the information they need to decide whether some of the ag tech solutions explored in the report would help their business. “It’s also useful to hear directly from those Tasmanian producers who have already gone down the ag tech path and what has worked for them.”
Those wanting a copy of the report can access it here or contact the TAS Farm Innovation Hub at fdf.tas.hub@utas.edu.au.