Launceston To Hobart: Shelton prepares for 200 km charity walk

07 February 2024

Mark Shelton is undertaking his third fundraising charity walk for St Giles, to raise much-needed funds to support their programmes.

St Giles does a wonderful job statewide in caring for people with disabilities and Mark wants to say thank you for the service they provide to many people.

Mark’s grandson Evan, who is now 12, was born with Down’s Syndrome and has utilised St Giles’ services since birth.

Mark’s previous two walks in 2017 and 2021 raised more than $20,000 each, and he hopes to replicate this figure on his third walk. The goal has been set at $100 for every kilometre walked, and with just over 200km to travel on foot, he sees this as an achievable target.

The walk itinerary is below, and he will walking through local towns along the Midlands with Mayors, in the hope of garnering more donations along the way.

Day 1: Launceston to Epping Forest

Day 2: Epping Forest to Ross

Day 3: Ross to Jericho

Day 4: Jericho to Brighton

Day 5: Brighton to Hobart

Any donation over $2 is tax deductible and a receipt is automatically generated when the donation is made through the portal on the website.

If anyone would like any further information, please contact Mark’s electorate office on 6324 2080 or see the regular posts being made through St Giles Website and social media pages, along with Mark’s social media (LinkedIn, FaceBook and Instagram).