Investing in Tasmania's workforce: Apply now for 26TEN grants to elevate literacy and numeracy in your workplace

22 September 2023

Funding for Tasmanian employers to improve literacy and numeracy in their workplace.

26TEN Grants provide businesses and peak bodies with funding to help them improve the literacy and numeracy skills of their workers.

Open: now

Closing date: Friday 16 February 2024

What do you get?

Between $5,000 and $50,000.

Who is this for?

Tasmanian businesses and peak bodies.


These grants support employers and peak bodies to run projects to improve the literacy and numeracy of Tasmanian workers (paid and volunteers). Projects can include improving all aspects of workplace communication, for example: improving the reading, writing, and maths skills of employees, so they can do their jobs better training employees to write work documents in plain English digital literacy for employees with low reading, writing or maths skills surveys, consultations, and research to determine employee's literacy needs training supervisors and managers to support employees with low literacy.

Check if you can apply

This program is open to: employers operating in Tasmania, Tasmanian industry associations, and peak bodies a consortium of small or microbusinesses registered training organisations, provided they are in partnership with Tasmanian employers, industry associations, and peak bodies. To be eligible for funding, projects must provide support to employees to improve their reading, writing, or maths skills (minimum 50% of the project).

Contact information

Phone: (03) 6165 6122
