13 September 2023
Hort Innovation in partnership with Botanical Resources is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitably qualified growers and other key pyrethrum industry stakeholders from around Australia for the refresh of the Pyrethrum Industry Advisory Panel.
The panels
The Advisory Panel provides strategic investment advice to Hort Innovation in relation to industry production and sustainability programs funded by the voluntary pyrethrum R&D levy. The panel is guided by the strategic priorities set out in the Pyrethrum Strategic Investment Plan 2022-2026.
Hort are seeking individuals with the following capabilities, experiences, and representation:
- Experienced growers, next-generation growers in small to large businesses
- Whole of industry perspective or multi-crop experience
- Advanced production systems
- Understanding of biosecurity and best practice
- Research and development experience and international network linkages
- Agronomy and integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) best practice
- Climate variability and sustainable production best practice
- Leadership skills, experiences, and strong grower networks
- Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
How to apply
If you would like to help shape the future of the Australian pyrethrum industry, apply by using the Expressions of Interest form on Hort Innovation's website here.
Applications close Tuesday, September 26, 2023, and will be assessed and shortlisted by a selection panel. The selection panel may then interview shortlisted candidates. The selection panel will recommend the final panel composition to Hort Innovation and Botanical Resources Australia.
For more information
If you have questions, please contact Jason Hingston at 0429 793 496 or jason.hingston@horticulture.com.au. Alternatively, contact Kristin Groom Agricultural R&D Manager at Botanical Resources Australia for further information on the roles and responsibilities of the Pyrethrum Advisory Panel for the Pyrethrum industry at kgroom@pyrethrum.com.au.