Have your say | Sheep Genetics: Production Data and Index Development Survey

30 November 2022

MERINOSELECT Production Data and Index Development Survey

As you might be aware Sheep Genetics are currently updating the MERINOSELECT indexes. These new indexes will be released as part of the Analysis Enhancements in 2023. Part of the index redevelopment included consultation with breeders in 2021. A result of that consultation process found that there is value in improving the current MERINOSELECT indexes.

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Currently the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU – who is responsible for the development of the analytical software behind the Sheep Genetics evaluations) is redeveloping the indexes and software behind the index development so the ability to model farm systems and indexes is more dynamic. As part of the development of the software we are building up the capacity to better describe the key commercial production systems. It is an important part of the process that we engage MERINOSELECT clients to have input on the production system inputs that will be used in the index development.

Below is a link to a series of specially designed survey questions that are aimed at gathering the specific production system metrics that are needed for the development of the indexes. As indexes are developed for industry please consider commercial production system data as opposed to data from your ram breeding flock when completing the survey.

Submissions have been extended until 10 December.

Please allow between 30 minutes - 1 hour to complete the survey, it is not resumable, so needs to be completed before exiting.