25 October 2022
Kevin de Witte, Chief Veterinary Officer has determined that all owners of sheep and goats to notify the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database and in the case of pigs, Pig Pass, of the movements of their animals.
While Australia and Tasmania remain free from foot-and-mouth disease
and lumpy skin disease, it is important to have systems and processes in
place to reduce the effects of a potential incursion – ensuring
authorities are able to quickly trace the movement of livestock is one
of these vital measures.
Traceability helps to track produce through the value chain, from paddock to plate, and has a number of important benefits for biosecurity management, producers and consumers, as well as our trade markets and the Tasmanian Brand.
Kevin states that strong and reliable traceability systems help to uphold Tasmania’s reputation for producing safe, high-quality agricultural products and food and also protect our producers from counterfeiting and that it is important to take these actions to help protect Tasmania’s $1 Billion livestock sector.
Section 191 of the Biosecurity Act 2019 allows the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) to make general biosecurity directions (GBD) if the CVO is satisfied that it is necessary to assess, prevent, eliminate, minimise, control or manage biosecurity risks.
A copy of the Biosecurity Direction (Livestock Traceability) will be available for download on the NRE Tasmania website from 25 October 2022 along with a series of plain English factsheets that explain what it means for you.
To Register for National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database: https://www.nlis.com.au/Account/Create
To Register for pig pass: https://pigpass.australianpork.com.au/PigpassRegistration/RegisterForPigpass
If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Biosecurity Tasmania on 03 6165 3777 or email Biosecurity.Tasmania@nre.tas.gov.au