FMD & LSD status update from DAFF - 29th August 2022

30 August 2022


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FMD & LSD status update from the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry.

Below is a summary of the update from the Minister as at 29th August 2022. The full article can be read via the link at the bottom of this page.


Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) has been detected in 24 of 37 provinces in Indonesia, including Bali, and there is an increased risk of an incursion into Australia.

Lumpy skin disease (LSD) was reported in Indonesia on 2 March 2022, and there are confirmed cases in five provinces in Sumatra. There are no recent reports on the distribution of LSD in Indonesia.

There have been no reported of cases of FMD and LSD in Australia.

Key statistics

  • The Indonesian government has reported 510,963 FMD infected animals. There have been cases detected in 24 provinces of Indonesia, as at 26 August.
  • FMD Vaccinations administered is at 1,791,191.
    • Infections are predominantly in the western islands of Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan. However, there are also reported cases in some eastern islands including Sulawesi and Bali. The highest number of infections have been reported in the provinces of East Java, West Nusa Tenggara, West Java and Aceh.
  • No updates on the distribution of LSD. It is believed it is still confined to Sumatra Island.

Actions Taken

  • DAFF has engaged with a range of Australian government stakeholders and international organisations to coordinate our support to Indonesia.
  • The Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP) program which is a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) funded development program has also been engaged to deliver support in country.


  • The Australian Government has supplied 1 million doses of FMD vaccine to Indonesia, at a cost of $1.5 million arriving in Indonesia on 21 August 2022.
  • The Australian Government has supported Indonesia on its LSD control program through the provision of vaccine and communication campaigns and materials worth $910,000 of Official Development Assistance. 435,000 LSD vaccine doses to support the vaccination campaign in Indonesia have already been delivered.
  • 94.7% or 2.84 million of the initial 3 million vaccine doses procured by the Indonesian Government have been distributed.
  • The $10m biosecurity support package to further support Indonesia’s response to FMD and LSD announced on 9 August will provide additional FMD/LSD vaccines, second departmental biosecurity expertise and provide other technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and support development of a national livestock identification system for Indonesia.

Technical support and capacity building

  • DAFF has provided $550,000 to Meat and Livestock Australia for the Indonesia Biosecurity Support Project, which will enhance biosecurity capacity in Indonesia’s commercial feedlot sector to curb the spread of FMD and LSD. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $2.08 million. DAFF’s initial contribution will fund an in-country risk assessment and mitigation plan, development of feedlot manuals, and training delivery on biosecurity and emergency response in Indonesia.
  • The CSIRO Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness are working with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture to provide technical laboratory support and supply of essential materials to underpin FMD and LSD testing.
  • The Australian Government has committed $14m in immediate funding to manage the increased threat of FMD and LSD.

Australian prevention and preparedness activities National coordination

  • On 10 August 2022, a public hearing of the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Inquiry in relation to Adequacy of Australia’s biosecurity measures and response preparedness, in particular with respect to foot-and-mouth disease and varroa mite.
  • On 9 August 2022, Minister Watt launched the National Biosecurity Strategy.
  • On 4 August 2022, Minister Watt announced the establishment of an Exotic Animal Diseases Joint Inter-Agency Taskforce (the Joint Taskforce). It brings together representatives from DAFF, the Department of Home Affairs (Emergency Management Australia and the Australian Border Force) and Defence to lift the overall preparedness of all of our jurisdictions and industries should there ever be an incursion of an exotic animal disease. The Joint Taskforce will produce a report to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry on 5 September 2022.
  • On 20 July 2022, Agriculture Ministers agreed in-principle to advance work on a national approach to Australia’s livestock traceability systems, including urgent consideration of requirements for electronic individual identification of sheep and goats.

Operations - Travellers

  • On 22 July 2022, the Director of Biosecurity made a determination declaring Biosecurity Response Zones (BRZs) at international airports receiving direct flights from Indonesia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin and Cairns).
  • The BRZs enable enhanced measures to be taken by biosecurity officers, such as deploying of foot mats, and directing travellers to walk across foot mats to treat the soles of their footwear. These mats, filled with diluted citric acid have now been deployed at all international airports with BRZs.
  • Biosecurity officers board every aircraft arriving from Indonesia, alerting travellers to the risk of FMD, use of the foot mats upon disembarkation, and the need to make accurate declarations on their Incoming Passenger Card.
  • Further FMD messaging is being played through terminal audio systems while travellers are being processed through immigration or waiting for their baggage, and FMD signage (including electronic signage in some airports) is displayed throughout the terminals.
  • Travellers who have been in Indonesia in the last seven days are being referred for biosecurity assessment at all of Australia’s international airports.
  • Biosecurity officers in mail centres are continuing to inspect 100% of non-letter class mail arriving from Indonesia, this includes all parcels, express mail service and other articles.

To read the full DAFF Industry Update, please click here