Farmsafe Australia - Cookbook Contribution

28 July 2022


Farmsafe Australia are seeking submissions for an Australian Cookbook and are looking for farming families from across Australia, from all different commodity sectors, who would like an opportunity to promote their farm and one safety tip, thought or innovative solution that they are employing to reduce farm safety risks and hazards on their properties.

Each farmer that takes part in ‘Recipes for Averting Disaster’ will be sent a final printed copy of the Cookbook when the printed version is launched at our Conference in September.

See the flyer with all the details here Farmsafe Australia Cookbook Participation.

Participants to supply:

250 – 300 words - Paddock to plate story: tell us about your farm business – where do you farm, what do you produce and why do you love what you do?

200 words - Safety tip, thought or innovative solution. Aligning your safety contribution with reducing the impact of intangible risks and hazards such as combatting fatigue or complacency, increasing mental and physical wellbeing, increasing child safety strategies, or managing labour shortages.

One Traditional Family Recipe: Send us a recipe that features your amazing Aussie produce, but please make sure it is your recipe. We cannot reprint a recipe from another cookbook or magazine.

3 High Resolution Photos (must be 2MB or higher when saved as a jpeg) – landscape shots of a beautiful spot on your property, a second photo of you working on farm or enjoying the farm with your family, and a third shot of either the final product of the recipe that you provide, the produce that you are featuring, or you and your family enjoying the ‘fruits’ of your labour.

If you would like to be involved, please email Blake Hillier on by 2 August 2022. Please also find below an example from our Chair, Felicity Richards.

The end product: Each farmer that takes part in ‘Recipes for Averting Disaster’ will be sent a final printed copy of the Cookbook when the printed version is launched at our Conference in September.