19 July 2024
DataGene Limited delivers innovative, pre-competitive services to the dairy herd improvement industry. DataGene enables farmers to make timely and effective data driven decisions in genetics and herd management.
The Board of DataGene is responsible for approving strategic and operating plans and setting performance targets. The Board ensures policies and systems are in place to manage risk and ensure high standards of accountability, ethical behaviour and legal compliance in accordance with DataGene’s compliance framework. The Board is currently made up of 7 directors with a range of skills in line with the needs of industry and set by its constitution.
In line with the DataGene constitution and schedule of Director nominations, DataGene is now seeking 2 applicants with the following skills and experience:
Significant experience in the application of both financial and data analysis skills in business and on farm will be highly regarded for both positions.
Personal attributes will include a demonstrated ability to influence and to communicate a point of view, show an understanding of the balance between strategic and operational aspects of the DataGene Non-Executive Director role, demonstrates evidence of the application of good corporate governance, the need to engage with industry and gain insight into DataGene’s operating environment.
Ideally, candidates will have held prior positions in industry representation including board and governance positions. This is an outstanding opportunity to play a key role in the continuing innovation of Australia’s dairy industry.
To enquire, please phone Mick Hay on 1300 380 701 or apply to www.rimfireresources.com.au by COB, Friday 2nd August 2024.
Upon receipt of your application, a candidate pack will be made available.