Churchill Fellowship - Opportunity for international travel to benefit our industry

24 January 2023


The Winston Churchill Trust is about to open its application round for 2023, offering Australians from all walks of life the opportunity to travel overseas, fully funded, to investigate a topic or issue of their choice.

The Trust is particularly keen to receive Churchill Fellowship applications from the agricultural sector, and we would like to encourage members to consider applying, if there is a particular issue or topic you are passionate about, and believe will benefit our industry. Alternatively, you may know someone you think might make a great candidate and encourage them to apply.

Read More: National horticulture industry launches search for new leader

Importantly, no specific qualifications are required – in fact people do not even need to have finished school. Instead of formal study, Churchill Fellowships open doors so recipients can meet with leaders in their field of endeavour, observe, learn and then bring their new-found knowledge home to share.
2023 information sessions

A series of online information sessions were held in February 2023 to inspire your application for the 2023 Churchill Fellowship round. If you didn’t get to any live, that’s ok! These sessions were recorded and you can check them out here to learn more about the Churchill Fellowship journey and gain helpful, practical advice for your application.

The application round opens on 1 March 2023, closing 1 May 2023. Recipients will be announced in September 2023.

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As the largest advocacy group in Tasmania and the only one that focuses exclusively on farming and the rural sector, the future of Tasmanian agriculture is our focus.

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Contact our Membership Manager, Kellie Morris