A nationally consistent fire danger rating system

14 November 2022

Australia's Fire Danger Rating System is Changing

From 1 September 2022, Australia’s Fire Danger Rating System will be improved and simplified, to make it easier for you to make decisions to stay safe on days of fire danger risk.

The move to a simpler system is backed by improvements in science, which will mean we can better predict areas of greater risk on days of fire danger. Across the country fire and emergency services are applying nationally consistent colours, designs and terminology. This means that wherever you go in Australia, and whatever the season, you can understand the level of threat and what you need to do to stay safe.

Fire Ratings

What are fire danger ratings?

Fire danger ratings describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start. They are calculated using weather forecast and vegetation information. Why are we reducing the number of ratings?

Extensive social research found that most people in bushfire risk areas don’t understand the current system. Royal Commissions called for a simpler, action-oriented system. With more days and prolonged fire seasons shouldn’t we be getting more information?

The science that sits behind Fire Danger Rating modelling is being improved. A better understanding of how different fuel types burn and improvements in technology means we can more accurately predict the risk faced by communities on any given day.

This means that wherever you go in Australia, and whatever the season, you can understand the level of threat and what you need to do to stay safe.


Be ready to act


For your survival, leave bushfire risk areas


Plan and prepare


Take action now to protect life and property

Check the daily fire danger rating

Check your daily fire danger rating and weather forecast at www.fire.tas.gov.au/fire-danger-rating/

To see the TV advertisement for Tasmania on YouTube, please click here Australian Fire Danger Rating System