The TFGA congratulates Minister Guy Barnett

02 July 2019

“The TFGA would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Minister Guy Barnett on his increased Ministerial responsibilities. We have had an excellent working relationship with the Minister in the agricultural portfolio and look forward to bolstering that further with the addition of forestry, a key component for many TFGA members.” Said TFGA President Marcus McShane.

“The Premier has taken the opportunity to reinvigorate his Cabinet and Ministerial positions with an eye to the balance of this parliamentary term, we commend him for that. However, we are concerned by public musings by the current Speaker that would suggest her giving serious thought to becoming an Independent. The TFGA and TCCI combined represent the majority of small to medium size businesses in this State, our members expect that we will have a stable government and do not expect sudden changes in the Parliaments make up. We look forward to discussing our concerns with the Speaker in due course.” Said Mr McShane.