TasFarmers releases new election policy report

14 March 2024

Tasmania’s peak industry body for farmers has today released its Election Policy Priority Report after positive responses to its election package from across the political spectrum.

Seeking feedback form the state’s political parties and candidates Tasfamers outlines in its election package six key priorities areas including:

  • North-West transmission development,
  • Enhancing on-farm sustainability & productivity
  • Securing irrigation's future in Tasmania
  • Investing in agricultural workforce, education & training
  • Safeguarding Tasmania's primary industries
  • Looking for innovative approaches to other challenges

President for TasFarmers, Ian Sauer said, TasFarmers had promised to collate the responses from the major parties and being week out from the election they are making them public, to ensure transparency and accountability.

Mr Sauer said, “With the election only days away TasFarmers have meticulously compiled the policy and priority commitments of both major parties in response to our policy package.

“Both parties have taken a strong bipartisan approach to agricultural policy in Tasmania, with both parties committing to the growth and sustainability of the sector.

Additionally, we’ve had contact with independents and met with Jacqui Lambie Network, Greens, and the Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party.

“In meeting with Shooters, Fishers they said the strongly support preserving productive farmland, game fencing, and improved wildlife management, a position not expressed by the major parties.

“There are areas not taken up which will be able to keep pushing and that we can put forward during a formal submission process later.

“It’s pleasing to see the Liberal and Labor party, and even some of the independents take us seriously, and when you read our report, it shows we need to keep open the dialog.

“We’re not after a short-term handout or money hit, what we want is agriculture to keep going past the $2.6 billion a year farm gate value it delivers now.

A copy of the report is available here.

Post-Report Reactions
Here are their responses following the release of this report.

- Liberal Party: Premier - Letter to TasFarmers
- Labor Party: Tasmanian Labor Commitments
- Shooters Fishers and Famers Party - SFF TasFarmers response