08 December 2017
The suggestion yesterday, during the Government Business Enterprise Hearings and media reports, that the ownership question around poles and wires on private land had been resolved is incorrect.
Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) CEO Peter Skillern said that the Government and TasNetworks have put a legal position to the TFGA that purports to confirm their view that the infrastructure belongs to landowners.
“It has taken nearly 18 months for this position to be formulated, and during that time the TFGA has received numerous representations from government that have proven to be less than accurate. As a result, we are currently seeking our own senior legal advice as to the veracity or otherwise of the position taken by the Government and TasNetworks,” Mr Skillern said.
“The ownership question is critically important to the future maintenance and liability issues surrounding this part of the network and, depending on the outcome, there are still serious matters to be resolved.
“The TFGA believes that the length of time it has taken to reach to Government’s current position in itself this suggests there is a lack of legal clarity around this matter.
“The Government and TasNetworks need to recognise that the TFGA will not let this matter rest until such time as we have confirmed for ourselves the legal standing of the ownership issue.”