Citric acid mats introduced to airports and FMD fragments found in meat products

21 July 2022

21st July 2022

Ian Sauer TFGA President is very supportive of the introduction of citric acid foot cleaning mats in
airports for incoming international flights from FMD infected countries.

Yesterday saw Minister Murray Watt announce the introduction of citric acid mats to clean shoes for international arrivals from FMD infected countries.

“The TFGA applauds the introduction of citric acid mats and hopes to see them implemented in
regional airports such as Hobart and Launceston.

“The State Government has already increased airport screening and biosecurity measures for
incoming goods such as parcel inspection, this would be a great next step,” said Ian.
“Interestingly, Minister Watt also reported the seizure of imported pork products from a Melbourne CBD store containing FMD virus fragments.

“I believe that these virus fragments do not pose a risk to people or animals, but it is an important
reminder to make sure such products don’t enter the animal food chain.

“There was also a confiscation of a beef product from a traveller that was undeclared. The
detection of these products does not impact Australia’s FMD free status, in fact they show that
the system is working for the moment, yet for farmers these near misses are alarming.” said Ian.
“We need to ensure the integrity of our animal feed chain, that means being vigilant on imported
meat and dairy products to keep FMD from our shores.

“When in doubt declare it! That is our message to travellers,” said Ian Sauer.

The TFGA has also sent a comprehensive mail-out to all its members this week to help make sure
our farmers are as prepared as possible. The mail out contains:

• FMD fact sheet - key contacts, FMD disease overview and suggested sites for further information.
• Vehicle wash down and foot bath best practice guidelines
• On-farm biosecurity plan template
• Farm biosecurity visitor register
• Small A4 biosecurity sign