01 June 2017
Tasmania’s peak farming organisation has expressed its disappointment that yet another outbreak of blueberry rust has been uncovered in the State.
“The TFGA predicted this in December last year when we expressed serious concerns about the Government’s decision to “manage” the outbreak, as opposed to eradicate,” TFGA CEO Peter Skillern said.
“Sadly, our concerns for blueberry growers, particularly those with organic regimes, have come to fruition, and our frustration with the way that the situation has been handled continues unabated.
“The government’s inappropriate response to the 2016 incursion has now led to Tasmanian berry farmers being encumbered even further with excessive on-farm biosecurity regimes. This highlights our concerns in relation to the new draft Biosecurity Bill and its potential impacts on the farming community.”
“These incursions cannot continue to occur. The TFGA will pursue this matter with both Biosecurity Tasmania and the Government”