The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that Tasmania’s Gross State value for 2020-2021 was $3.52 billion*. The farm gate value of the sector rose to $2.34 billion, exceeding the $2 billion first surpassed in 2019–2020. Favourable seasonal conditions during summer and access to irrigation throughout the warm and dry periods of 2020–2021 were crucial to the continued strong performance of pasture based industries, which accounted for about two-thirds of farm gate value.
Our industry has grown year on year, even during tough times like drought, which is a performance not matched by any other sector. Agriculture has an enormous uptake of new technology, we employ thousands of people, we keep many rural communities alive, and we produce the clean, healthy, fresh food that Tasmanian families take for granted, and indeed that families across the country and world enjoy.
*reference Tasmanian Agri-Food ScoreCard 2020-21
The Tasmanian Diary Industry sector is an area of massive potential economic growth and development. White milk, cheese and milk powder is growing the wealth of our rural communities, with multinational processors and family run companies vying for milk from across the State.
The cattle, from the mainly friesian and jersey cow herds, breathe some of the world’s cleanest air, and eat some of the cleanest and most sustainable pastures. The agricultural systems employed in Tasmania are also the envy of the dairying world.
The TFGA’s Dairy Council is a passionate advocate for the Tasmanian dairy industry and for TasFarmers members. The TFGA Dairy Council works closely with all levels of government, through and with peak industry bodies. The TFGA Dairy Council is made of, and directed by Tasmanian dairy farmers, these TasFarmers members are shaping the future of Tasmania’s dairy industry.
Tasmania has a vibrant and flourishing livestock sector. From the Bass Strait Islands to Port Arthur, Tasmania produces some of the highest quality meat products, in some of the worlds cleanest environments. High quality animal protein is in demand globally, with discerning consumers willing to paying a high price for a safe, clean and sustainable product.
Continuous improvements have ensured that Tasmanian meat producers have been, and continue to be at the forefront of livestock production, leading the way in productivity and sustainability in an increasingly hungry world. Tasmania’s livestock producers will remain ideally suited and situated to meet this demand.
The TFGA’s Meat Council advocates on behalf of TasFarmers members with all levels of government on matters relating to the meat production sector, from welfare to taxation. The advocacy of these issues affect all producers and are key to a profitable industry in the state. The TFGA Meat Council is made of and directed by Tasmanian primary producers. These TasFarmers members are shaping the future of Tasmania’s livestock industry.
Tasmania supplies the nation with some of the highest quality fresh and frozen vegetables. Everyday Australian’s all over the country consume peas, beans, carrots, potatoes and many other vegetables grown in our fertile soils. Tasmania is also a prime location for the production of cereal and seed crops such as , hemp, vegetable and grass seeds along with other high value crops such as canola and malting barley.
Tasmanian producers pride themselves on driving profitability and sustainability for their industry, with ever narrowing margins and a variable climate, staying at the forefront of technology and research is paramount for the industry.
The Tasmanian cropping industry is a stalwart of the economy, employing thousands of people either directly and indirectly. This key Tasmanian agricultural industry thrives, thanks largely to the passionate farmers in this industry.
The TFGA’s Vegetable Council and Cereal and Seeds Committee are passionate advocates for the respective industries and for TasFarmers members. The groups work closely with peak industry bodies and stakeholders and negotiate prices on behalf of all Tasmanian growers.
Tasmania is renowned for the quality of its wool. Some of the finest wool in the world is produced on this island.
Tasmania, to this day heavily relies on the noble sheep, in all of its forms, and for all of its many uses, to help drive the wealth of the state. Tasmania’s nearly two and a half million sheep produce a fibre that is a luxury commodity that the international market craves. This natural fibre is used in everything from haute couture to carpet. Because of this wool has a bright future in a vibrant and diverse Tasmanian economy.
While the world around us changes, the quality fibre produced by generations of Tasmanian farmers and graziers faces many of the same issues as other commodities, red tape, regulation and social licence. The TFGA Wool Council works closely with all levels of government, through and with peak industry bodies. The TFGA Wool Council is made of, and directed by Tasmanian primary producers, these TasFarmers members are shaping the future of Tasmania’s wool industry.
In Tasmania, the forest industry is a critical and fundamental part of the economy, and the social fabric which makes this island State unique.
Farmers rely on a diversity of activities to sustain commercial viability in a competitive environment. Individual farm enterprises must be able to access the widest possible range of land use options to maximise profitability, including forest production.
Farmers have been managing native forests and smaller plantations and woodlots for many generations and believe that continuing management of all these forests will be vital to the future of wood processing in Tasmania. Privately managed native forests have recently received Forest Stewardship certification and this confirms our belief that well managed native forests and carefully planned plantation investments are the way forward.